Osobní stránka na adrese: birlaojasviplan.nafotil.cz
Úvodní stránka:Osobní stránka na adrese: birlaojasviplan.nafotil.cz
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The Birla Ojasvi continuing Bangalore RR Nagar residences span 10 acres and include 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom units. The property is the epitome of luxury in the conveniently located Southwest Bangalore neighbourhood. The Birla Ojasvi Amenities complex has a 25,000-square-foot Club House, as well as over 40 other amenities. In RR Nagar, Birla Ojasvi provides three-bedroom homes with varying carpet areas. Three-bedroom apartments range in size from 1250 to 1380 square feet and cost between 1.8 and 2.57 crores.